
新加坡六合彩官方网站 College

COVID-19 Principal update Friday 20 August

20 August 2021

Thank you again for the fantastic way you have responded to this latest Covid situation.  Ng膩 mihi nui ki a koutou.  Please know that as a school we are here for you and your wh膩nau to support in any way we can. 

I know that this outbreak involves the Delta strain, and the quick move into lockdown, whilst very sensible, does feel a bit different to previous lockdowns.   Particularly as it is currently impacting three Auckland schools and I have sent offers of support to Avondale, Northcote, and Lynfield Colleges.  This means it is going to be particularly important for us to continue to work together, to take care of our own wellbeing and that of our loved ones during these challenging times. I know that as a school community we can do that to continue to deal with whatever comes next.   You will see at the end of this email some further wellbeing tips from the Mental Health Foundation.

Covid Level 4 information

At Alert Level 4 it is essential that we all stay home and stay safe. Below is some other key information:

  1. Stay at home You can only leave home to shop for groceries, access necessary healthcare, get a COVID-19 test, get vaccinated, exercise in your local area or go to work if you are working in an Alert Level 4 service and you cannot work from home. 
  1. Face coverings are a vital tool to reduce spread
    Only leave your home if you need to, and please wear a face covering when you do. We know of instances where people have picked up Delta simply by walking past someone with it.
    Face coverings are required on public transport and domestic flights, in taxis and ride-share services and at any business operating at Alert Level 4 (supermarkets, pharmacies etc). Those aged under 12 remain exempted from having to wear face coverings.
  2. Fundamental public health measures continue to apply at every alert level:
    • Physical distancing
    • Hand hygiene
    • Cough and sneeze etiquette
    • Regularly cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces
  3. Locations of interest
    If you have been at a location of interest within the relevant time periods, please follow all public health advice. You must call Healthline for information about getting a test.
  4. Testing remains a crucial component in preventing an outbreak
     If you have cold or flu symptoms you should call your doctor or Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice about getting tested. If recommended to get tested, you should do so.

Information from Ministry for Pacific Peoples

Further information in a range of Pacific languages is available from this link:

Ministry for Pacific Peoples — All of New Zealand is at Alert Level 4 ()

Distance Learning

Distance learning has now commenced.  Please go to to see the learning tasks that have been set by your teachers.    There is a lot of information in this sheet, you will need to click on your Year Level at the bottom of the page and scroll across to the right to see the tasks set for this week and next week.

TVNZ has a range of lessons created in previous lockdowns that are now available on-demand at /learning-home

Our school library and Auckland City libraries also have a range of resources available online via the following links:

新加坡六合彩官方网站 college school library:

Auckland city libraries:

Devices / Art Packs / Musical Instruments

We are currently waiting for further information from the Ministry of Education but at this stage, we are not able to provide a contactless pickup service.  We are hoping that should the lockdown continue that we may be able to provide this next week sometime.  In the meantime, our teachers will provide tasks that can be completed offline and without specialist equipment where needed.

Wellbeing information

Five things to focus on right now


It’s all right to feel a range of emotions.

Going into a level 4 lockdown is a big thing, and it brings all sorts of different emotions to the surface, including frustration, worry and gratitude. However you are feeling know that you’re not alone – we’re all going through this together.


Have a check-in buddy.

Whether it’s someone in your whare or on FaceTime, finding time for k艒rero is a proven pick me up.

Who could you reach out to?


Focus on the simple things that give you joy.

Take time to reflect on the things that helped get you through the last time you were in lockdown, and make time to do more of these. 



Keep up the routines where you can.

Having a little bit of structure and normality in your day can help lower stress levels and give you a greater sense of control.

Little things like sharing a meal with those in your bubble (or over FaceTime!) can really make a difference.


Take a break from the news and social media.

When we spend lots of time on social media or news sites scrolling for the latest we can forget to do the things that actually make us feel good.

Taking a break helps our brains reset.



Get in touch

Office hours

8:30am - 3.20pm Monday - Friday
New Zealand Time GMT+12

Physical address

32 新加坡六合彩官方网站 Drive
Pakuranga, Auckland 2010, New Zealand